3. Литературные особенности притчей

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3. Литературные особенности притчей

BOUCHER, Madeleine, The Mysterious Parable. A Literary Study. Washington, Catholic Biblical Association, 1977.

DUPONT, Jacques, Il metodo parabolico di Ges?. Brescia, Paideia, 1978.

CROSSAN, John Dominic, In Parables. The Challenge of the Historical Jes?s. Sonoma, CA, Polebridge Press, 1992.

FUSCO, V., Oltre la parabola. Introduzione alle parabole di Ges?. Roma, Borla, Roma, s.f.

HARNISCH, Wolfgang, Las parabolas de Jes?s. Una introduccion hermeneutica. Salamanca, S?gueme, 1989.

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