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1. Конфликтный характер учения и действий Иисуса

MEIER, John Paul, Un jud?o marginal. Nueva visi?n del Jes?s hist?rico. III. Companeros у competidores. Estella, Verbo Divino, 2003, pp. 301–653.

THEISSEN, Gerd/MERZ, Annette, El Jes?s hist?rico. Salamanca, S?gueme, 1999, pp. 256–271.

SANDERS, Ed Parish, Jes?s у eljudaismo. Madrid, Trotta, 2004, pp. 387–420. SOBRINO, Jon, Jesucristo liberador. Lectura hist?rico-teologica de Jes?s de Nazaret. Madrid, Trotta, 1991, pp. 253–272.

BRAVO, Carlos, Jes?s, hombre conflictivo. Santander, Sal Terrae, 1986.

RIVKIN, Ellis, What crucified Jes?s? Nueva York, UAHC Press, 1997, pp. 1-77. BORG, Marcus J., Conflict Holiness and Politics in the Teaching of Jes?s. Harrisburg, PA, Trinity Press International, 1998, pp. 88-173.

WRIGHT, N. Thomas, El desafyo de Jes?s. Bilbao, Desclqe de Brouwer, 2003.

HORSLEY, Richard A., Jes?s and the Spiral of Violence. Popular Jewish Resistence in Roman Palestine. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1993, pp. 147–284.

— Jes?s у el Imperio. El Reino de Dios у el nuevo desorden mundial. Estella, Verbo Divino, 2003, pp. 105–163.

EVANS, Craig A., «From Public Ministry to the Passion: can a link be found between the (Galilean) Life and the (Judean) Death of Jes?s?», en Jes?s in his Contemporaries. Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2001, pp. 301–318.

LEMONON, Jean-Pierre, «Les causes de la mort de Jes?s», en Daniel MARGUE-RAT/ Enrico NORELLI/Jean-Michel POFFET (eds.), J?sus de Nazaret. Nouvelles approaches d’un enigme. Ginebra, Labor et Fides, 1998, pp. 349–369. SALDARINI, Anthony J., Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in Palestinian Society. Grand Rapids, MI–Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2001.

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