

1. Для изучения Галилеи

FREYNE, Sean, Galilee and Gospel. Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2002.

— Jes?s, a Jewish Galilean. A New reading of the Jes?s-story. Londres — Nueva York, Clark International, 2005.

— «The Geography, Politics and Economics of Galilee and the Quest for the Historical Jes?s», en Bruce CHILTON/ Craig A. EVANS, Studying the Historical Jes?s. Evaluations of the State of Current Research. Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1998, pp. 75-121.

HORSLEY, Richard A., Galilee. Histories, Politics, People. Valley Forge, PA, Trinity Press International, 1995.

— Archaeology, History and Society in Galilee. Harrisburg, PA, Trinity Press International, 1996.

— Sociology and the Jes?s Movement. Nueva York, Continuum, 1994, pp. 67-101. HANSON, K. C./OAKMAN, Douglas E., Palestine in the time of Jes?s. Social Structures and Social Conflicts. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1998.

THEISSEN, Gerd/MERZ, Annette, El Jes?s hist?rico. Salamanca, S?gueme, 1999, pp. 151–176 у 189–206.

COUSIN, Hugues (ed.), Le monde oil vivait Jes?s. Paris, Cerf, 1998, pp. 11-128. DEBERGfi, Pierre, «Le monde o? vivait Jes?s», en Alain MARCHADOUR (ed.), Que sait-on de Jes?s de Nazareth? Paris, Bayard, 2000, pp. 71-106.

SANDERS, Ed Parish, «Jes?s en Galilea», en Doris DONNELLY (ed.), Jes?s. Un coloquio en Tierra Santa. Estella, Verbo Divino, 2004, pp. 11–38.

— Lafigura hist?rica de Jes?s. Estella, Verbo Divino, 2000, pp. 33–53.

VERMES, Geza, Jes?s eljudto. Barcelona, Muchnik, 1977, pp. 47–62.

SAULNIER, Christianne/ROLLAND, Bernard, Palestina en tiempos de Jes?s. Estela,

Verbo Divino, 121998.

AGUIRRE, Rafael, Del movimiento de Jesiis a la Iglesia cristiana. Ensayo de ex?gesis sociol?gica del cristianismo primitiv о. Estella, Verbo Divino, 22001, pp. 23–32. EHRMAN, Bart D., Jes?s, el profeta apocaliptico. Barcelona, Paid?s, 2001, pp. 135–159.

FABRIS, Rinaldo, Jes?s de Nazaret. Historia e nterpretaci?n. Salamanca, S?gueme, 1985, pp. 59–70.

GNILKA, Joachim, Jes?s de Nazaret. Mensaje e historia. Barcelona, Herder, 1993, pp. 45–63 у 83–93.

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