2. Пророческая акция Иисуса в Храме

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2. Пророческая акция Иисуса в Храме

SANDERS, Ed Parish, Jes?s у eljudatsmo. Madrid, Trotta, 2004, pp. 99-142. SCHLOSSER, Jacques, Jesms, elprofeta de Galilea. Salamanca, S?gueme, 2005, pp. 225–239.

GNILKA, Joachim, Jes?s de Nazaret. Mensaje e historia. Barcelona, Herder, 1993, pp. 337–341.

HERZOG II, William R., Jes?s, Justice, and Reign of God. A Ministry of Liberation.

Louisville, KY, Westminster — John Knox Press, 1999, pp. 111–143.

CROSSAN, John Dominic, Who killed Jes?s? San Francisco, Harper, 1996, pp. 50–65. CROSSAN, John Dominic/REED, Jonathan L., Jes?s desenterrado. Barcelona, Cri-tica, 2003, pp. 226–273.

BORG, Marcus J., Conflict Holiness and Politics in the Teaching of Jes?s. Harrisburg, PA, Trinity Press International, 1998, pp. 174–212.

EVANS, Craig A., «Jes?s’ Action in the Temple and Evidence of Corruption in the First Century Temple», en Jes?s in his Contemporaries. Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2001, pp. 319–344.

— «Jes?s and the “Cave of Robbers”: Towards a Jewish Context for the Temple Action», en Jes?s in his Contemporaries. Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2001, pp. 345–365.

— «Jes?s and Predictions of the Destruction of the Herodian Temple», en Jes?s in his Contemporaries. Boston-Leiden, Brill, 2001, pp. 367–380.

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