Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература [177]

Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература[177]

J. O. Buswell, Jr. Systematic Theology, 1:365-384.

Charles Kraft. «Interpreting in Cultural Context». Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. 21 (1978):357-367.

A. B. Mickelsen. Interpreting the Bible, pр.159-176.

R. C. Sproul. «Controversy at Culture Gap». Eternity, May 1976, pр.13-15, 40.

Merrill Tenney. New Testament Times.

Fred Wight. Manners and Customs of Bible Lands.

George Ernest Wright. The Old Testament Against its Environment.

Edwin M. Yamauchi. «Christianity and Cultural Differences». Christianity Today, 23 June 1972, pр.5-8.