2. Иисус и Закон

2. Иисус и Закон

THEISSEN, Gerd/MERZ, Annette, El Jes?s hist?rico. Salamanca, S?gueme, 1999, pp. 389–448.

LOADER, William, Jes?s Attitude towards the Law. A Study of The Gospels. Grand Rapids, MI–Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2002.

GNILKA, Joachim, Jes?s de Nazaret. Mensaje e historia. Barcelona, Herder, 1993, pp. 249–303.

BARBAGLIO, Giuseppe, Jes?s, hebreo de Galilea. nvestigaci?n hist?rica. Salamanca, Secretariado Trinitario, 2003, pp. 443–449.

SCHLOSSER, Jacques, Jes?s, el prof eta de Galilea. Salamanca, S?gueme, 2005, pp. 159–181.

SANDERS, Ed Parish, Jes?s у eljudaismo. Madrid, Trotta, 2004, pp. 353–386.

— Lafigura hist?rica de Jes?s. Estella, Verbo Divino, 2000, pp. 219–227.

WRIGHT, N. Thomas, Jes?s and the Victory of God. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1996, sobre todo pp. 369–442.

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