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Aland, К., "The Problem of Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Christian Literature of the First Two Centuries," JTS ns 12 (1961), 39–49.

Beker, J. C, Heirs of Paul (Minneapolis: A/F, 1991).

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Lea, T. D., "The Early Christian View of Pseudepigraphic Writings," JETS 27 (1984), 65–75. Meade, D. O., Pseudonymity and Canon (WUNT 39; T?bingen: Mohr?Siebeck, 1986).

Metzger, ?. M., "Literary Forgeries and Canonical Pseudepigrapha," JBL 91 (1972), 3–24.

Patzia, AG., "The Deutero?Pauline Hypothesis: An Attempt at Clarification," EQ 52 (1980), 27–42.

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