Обзоры исследований

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Обзоры исследований

Snyder, J., JETS 22 (1979), 265–267; Hupper, W. C., JETS 23 (1980), 65–66; Bauckham, RJ. JETS 25 (1982), 91–93; ANRWII.25.2 (1988), 3713–3752.

Abbott, E. A., "The Second Epistle of St. Peter," Expositor2/S (1882), 49–63, 139–153, 204–219. Поныне сохраняет ценность.

Cooper, W. H., "The Objective Nature of Prophecy According to II Peter," Lutheran Church Quarterly 13 (1940), 190–195.

Crehan, J., "New Light on 2 Peter from Bodmer Papyrus," StEv 7 (1982), 145–149. Deshardins, M., "The Portrayal of the Dissidents in 2 Peter and Jude," JSNT 30 (1987), 89–102.

Ernst, C, "The Date of the II Peter and the Deposit of Faith," Clergy Review 47 (1962), 686–689.

Farmer, W. R., "Some Critical Reflections on Second Peter," Second Century 5 (1985), 30–46.

Fornberg, T., An Early Church in a Pluralistic Society: A Study of 2 Peter (CBNTS 9; Lund: Gleerup, 1977).

Green, M., 2 Peter Reconsidered (London: Tyndale, 1961).

Grispino, J. A., and A. Dilanni, "The Date of II Peter and the Deposit of Faith," Clergy Review 46 (1961), 601–610.

Harvey, A. E., "The Testament of Simeon Peter," A Tribute to Geza Vermes, eds. P. R. Davies and R. T. White (Sheffield: JSOT, 1990), 339–354.

Hiebert, D. E., "Selected Studies from 2 Peter," BSac 141 (1984), 43–54, 158–168, 255–265, 330–340.

James, M. R., 2 Peter and Jude (Cambridge Univ., 1912).

K?semann, ?., "An Apologia for Primitive Christian Eschatology," KENTT 169–195.

Klinger, J., "The Second Epistle of Peter: An Essay in Understanding," St. Vladimirs Theological Quarterly 17/1–2 (1973), 152–169.

McNamara, M., "The Unity of Second Peter. A Reconsideration," Scripture 12 (1960), 13–19. Редко встречающееся предположение о том, что 2 Петр состоит из двух или трех писем.

Mayor, J. В., The Second Epistle of St. Peter and the Epistle of St. Jude (New York: Macmillan: 1907).

Picirilli, R. E., "Allusions to 2 Peter in the Apostolic Fathers," JSNT 33 (1988), 57–83.

Robson, E. I., Studies in the Second Epistle of St. Peter (Cambridge Univ., 1915).

Watson, D. F., Invention, 81–146. О 2 Петр.

Witherington, В., III, "A Petrine Source in 2 Peter," SBLSP 1985, 187–192.

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