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Burrowes, G., A Commentary on the Song of Solomon (Banner of Truth, 1958).

Carr, G. Lloyd, The Song of Solomon (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, IVP, 1984).

Davidson, R., Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon (Daily Study Bible, St Andrew Press, 1986).

Delitzsch, F., The Song of Solomon (Commentary on the ОТ in 10 volumes, T. and T. Clark, 1885).

Dillow, J. C, Solomon on Sex (Nelson, 1977).

Falk, M., Love Lyrics from the Bible: A Translation and Literary Study of the Song of Songs (Almond Press, 1982).

Fox, M. V., The Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs (University of Wisconsin Press, 1985).

Fuerst, W. J., The Song of Songs (Cambridge Bible Commentary, CUP, 1975).

Gill, J., An Exposition of the Song of Solomon (Sovereign Grace Publishers, 1854).

Ginsburg, H. L., The Five Megilloth and Jonah: a new translation (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1969).

Glickman, S. C, A Song for Lovers (IVP/USA, 1976).

Gordis, R., The Song of Songs and Lamentations (KTAV, 1977).

Goulder, M. D., The Song of Fourteen Songs (JSOT Press, 1986).

Hocking, С. E., Rise Up My Love: The Drama of Salvation History and the Song of Songs (Precious Seed Publications, 1988).

Hurley, J. В., Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective (IVP, 1981).

Hudson Taylor, J., Union and Communion with Christ (Bethany House Publishers, 1971).

Jewett, P. K., Man as Male and Female: A Study in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point of View (Eerdrnans, 1975).

Kidner, D., Love to the Loveless (IVP, 1981).

Knight, G. A. F, The Song of Songs and Jonah (International Theological Commentary, Handsel Press, 1988).

Landy, F, Paradoxes of Paradise: Identity and Difference in the Song of Songs (Almond Press, 1983).

Lewis, C. S., The Four Loves (Geoffrey Bles, 1960).

Marks, J. H., and Good, R. M. (eds), Love and Death in the Ancient Near East (Four Quarters Publishing House, 1987).

Mollenkott, V. G., Women and Men and the Bible (Abingdon Press, 1986).

Murphy, R. E., The Song of Songs (Hermeneia Commentaries., Fortress Press, 1990).

Pope, M. H., The Song of Songs (Anchor Bible, Doubleday, 1977). Renan, E., The Song of Songs (Thomson, 1860). Simpson, W. K., The Literature of Ancient Egypt (Yale University Press, 1972).

Snaith, John G., Song of Songs (New Century Bible, Marshall Pickering/ Eerdrnans, 1993).

Stadelmann, L., Love and Politics: A New Commentary on the Song of Songs (Paulist Press, 1990).

Terrien, S., Till the Heart Sings: A Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood (Fortress Press, 1985).

Trible, P., God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality (Overtures to Biblical Theology, Fortress Press, 1978).

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White, J. В., A Study of the Language of Love in the Song of Songs and Ancient Egyptian Poetry (Scholars Press, 1978).

Wurmbrand, R., The Sweetest Song (Marshall Pickering, 1988).

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