IX. Литература

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IX. Литература

1. Andrews, J. N. The Three Messages of Revelation XIV, 6–12. 5th ed. rev. Battle Creek, Mich.: Review and Herald, 1892.

2. Ball, Bryan W. The English Connection. The Puritan Roots of Seventh–day Adventist Belief Cambridge: James Clarke, 1981.

3. Beale, G. K. The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and the Revelation of St. John. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.

4. Bruce, F. F. New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.

5. Charles, R. H. Eschatology. New York: Schocken, 1963.

6. Charles, R. H. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. 2 vols. ICC. Edinburgh: Т. &Т. Clark, 1920.

7. Damsteegt, P. G. Foundations of the Seventh–day Adventist Message and Mission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.

8. Daniels, A. G. The Abiding Gift of Prophecy. Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press, 1936.

9. Doukhan, J. B. Daniel: The Vision of the End. Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1987.

10. Emmerson, W. L. The Reformation and the Advent Movement. Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald, 1983.

11. Fitch, Charles. Come Out of Her, My People. Rochester, N. Y.: J. V. Himes, 1843.

12. Forestell, J. T. "The Letters to the Thessalonians." The Jerome Biblical Commentary. Ed. R. E. Brown and others. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1968.

13. Froom, LeRoy. The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers. 4 vols. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1950–1954.

14. Giblin, С. Н. The Threat to Faith: An Exegetical and Theological Re–examination of 2 Thessalonians 2. Analecta Biblica 31. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1967.

15. Hasel, Gerhard F. "Sabbatarian Anabaptists of the Sixteenth Century." Andrews University Seminary Studies 5 (1967): 101–121; 6(1968): 19–28.

16. Hasel, Gerhard F. The Remnant: The History and Theology of the Remnant Idea From Genesis to Isaiah. 3rd ed. Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1980.

17. Ladd, G. E. The Last Things: An Eschatology for Laymen. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.

18. LaRondelle, H. K. The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation. Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1983.

19. LaRondelle, H. K. Chariots of Salvation: The Biblical Drama of Armageddon. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1987.

20. LaRondelle, H. K. "Babylon: Anti–Christian Empire." In Symposium on Revelation. Ed. Frank B. Holbrook. Silver Spring, Md.: Biblical Research Institute, 1992. Vol. 2, pp. 151–176.

21. Mueller, Richard. Adventisten, Sabbat, Reformation. Studia Theologica Lundensia. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1979. P. 38.

22. Nichol, F. D. Answers to Objections. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1952.

23. Shea, W. H. Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation. Silver Spring, Md.: Biblical Research Institute, 1982.

24. Shea, W. H. "The Mighty Angel and His Message." In Symposium on Revelation. Ed. Frank B. Holbrook. Silver Spring, Md.: Biblical Research Institute, 1992. Vol. 1, pp. 279–326.

25. Smith, U. The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. 2 vols. Rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1944.

26. Strand, K. A. "The Two Witnesses of Rev, 11:3–12," Andrews University Seminary Studies 19(1981): 127–135.

27. Walther, Daniel. "Were the Albigenses and Waldenses Forerunners of the Reformation?" Andrews University Seminary Studies 6 (1968): 178–202.

28. Were, L. F. The Woman and the Beast in the Book of Revelation. Berrien Springs, Mich.: First Impressions, 1983.

29. Wesley, John. The Works of John Wesley. 14 vols. London: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1831.

30. White, Arthur L. Ellen G. White: Messenger to the Remnant. Washington, D.C.: Ellen G. White Estate, 1954.

31. White, James. Bible Adventism. Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh–day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1877; reprinted Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1972.

32. Wilcox, F. M. The Testimony of Jesus. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1944.

33. Williams, George H. The Radical Reformation. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962.

34. Wordsworth, Christopher. Is the Papacy Predicted by St. Paul? An Inquiry. Cambridge: Harrison Trust, 1985.

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